Software used by QuantEcon

Software used by QuantEcon#

The following details the software that is used directly by QuantEcon and how to install it.

Jupyter Book#

Jupyter Book provides a command line tool to build Jupyter Books and is maintained by the Executable Book Project. This is the EBP equivalent of jupinx.

To install:

pip install jupyter-book

More information is available at the repo

QuantEcon Book Theme#

The QuantEcon book theme is a jupyter-book theme maintained by QuantEcon

To install:

pip install


This will be updated once quantecon-book-theme package is distributed via pip


Jupytext is useful for converting between ipynb and md files or vice-versa. Myst markdown has a two-way mapping available so we can easily move between both formats.

To install:

pip install jupytext


ghp-import is a tool to force update github pages from local builds.

To install:

pip install ghp-import